Saturday, May 12, 2007

I didn't do nuffink

Why is it that I feel guilty if someone asks me what I did over the weekend, and I mumble "Well, you know, not much really. It was a quiet one."

I was discussing this with Lucy earlier, and as she said, you spend your weekend thinking "What shall we do!", when the truth is . . . you don't have to do anything if you so desire.

So from now on, I won't feel guilty if I have a day where I spend half of it in a dressing gown, watching crap TV, browsing the internet, reading a book and not even leaving the house.

I have weekends when I rush about inanely for the whole time and then feel knackered when I go back to work on Monday's, so from now on my new motto is:

"It's my weekend, and I'll laze if I want to . . . "

So there.

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