Yoga is a mind altering drug
Well, hello! Haven't I been bad, not updating in so long?
So what have I been doing since coming across the faintly pleasurable site of young men draped across my furniture? Not much really - had a quiet Christmas, and January was shite. No particular reason why - January is always shite.
One thing I have been doing, and I HASTEN to add is absolutely NOTHING to do with the New Year, is lose weight. I have actually been doing this quietly since about November, and have so far lost 17 pounds. Even though I lost my way temporarily over Christmas, but hey, don't we all. Cheeseboards are just soooo good. Not to mention the out-of-this-world Dulce De Leche & White Chocolate Cheesecake that I made . . .
Anyway, various reasons for this healthy lifestyle choice - obviously I am fed up of being an unspecified number of stone over what I want to weigh (nine and a half stone), because of the sport that I do and will be competing in this year, and because Lucy is getting married in July, I will get a fabulous dress to wear and I want to look Gorgeous Darling!!!
Apart from the staggeringly healthy diet I am following and the sport in which I am coached / practice 3 times a week, I am trying various other options.
Aqua Aerobics has been fun - nothing like an excuse to splash around for an hour like a baby porpoise. Lucy and I also go on an hour long walk every so often - doesn't feel like exercise at all, as we just gossip like the true girls that we are.
This evening, I went to a yoga class. I have done some Ashtanga yoga before, which was enjoyable apart from the teacher was a living breathing Barbie doll which annoyed me. This was Iyengar yoga - composed of holding various poses for varying amounts of time, whilst concentrating on breathing and lengthening muscles.
I'm telling you, they should offer this to all the billions of celebrities that end up in rehab, as an alternative to drugs. The lesson was enjoyable, it was gentle poses today and apart from the fact that for a lot of the time, I was arse over tit, it didn't feel strenuous and there wasn't too much discomfort. But now - I feel completely spaced out! I really have not felt this relaxed in ages - it is comparable to those times in my younger years, when I . . . ahem . . . partook of the evil weed. Without the stupid giggliness. And the munchies.
My arms are actually struggling to type now, so . . . good night!